Licketyspit’s Castlemilk Sunny Day Cake! 

New Scots Integration Project

Find out what the Castlemilk group get up to in their Porridge & Play Hub adventures each week! Porridge & Play is running throughout 2022 with this six week block being the first of many great tales!

Blog posts are written by TAZ!

Week 3 of Castlemilk Porridge & Play!!

Wednesday 23rd March

Licketyspit’s Castlemilk Sunny Day Cake Recipe


  • 3 Licketyspit actors
  • 7 families
  • 22 children
  • 1 big enough space
  • Your  amazing imaginations!


-Walk about your community and get to your nearest Community Centre.

-Say hi to everyone and find the Porridge & Play room

– Enjoy a lovely bowl of soup & bread, fresh fruit and juice while you have a catch up with your friends

– Make a nice BIG CIRCLE so you can see everyone and everyone can see you!

– Warm up your body, voice and brain with Big As A Bear

– Have a round of Funky Chicken

– Dress up in old clothes to create a fabulous character like, for example, a Crazy Chef

– Sit in your Big Circle in front of the biggest imaginary mixing bowl you’ve ever encountered and get all the Chefs to add in any ingredients that takes their fancy!

– Mix it all up, transfer to the big cake tin and bake in the oven!

By Taz, Andre & our Castlemilk pals

Can you smell that? That is the smell of a fantastic cake made with love, friends, laughter and imagination!

Add some Reflective Drawing about the things you enjoyed plus the Licketyspit Art Gallery where you get to see the art and also meet the artists and you get the perfect recipe for a brilliant Porridge & Play session for the whole family!

Bon Appetit!

It was wonderful to welcome a new family in our 3rd week in Castlemilk. His Mum told us they had to come!  ‘I had something else on but Mosaab made me come because he had such a good time last week!

The Licketyspit Art Gallery!

What you said about your drawings…

The cake I made with socks, flour, snails & the running chicken!


‘Me mixing up the cake and a pirate.’


‘Red, white, fruit, juice, a house! Fav: CAKE!’


Ice cream in the cake! I also draw the shops.’


In Partnership With

Porridge & Play Castlemilk is a New Scots Integration Project by Licketyspit, in collaboration with the Indigo Group.

 What’s Next?

Porridge & Play Castlemilk is a New Scots Integration Project that will be running throughout 2022! We will be starting Picnic & Play in May and we can’t wait to go on even more adventures!

Keep up with the Castlemilk Groups adventures here! And keep a look out for Picnic & Play updates coming!

We would love to hear any ideas you have for places to visit for Picnic & Play!

Tell us your ideas for Picnic & Play!!