St Martha’s P1 Session 2

Tuesday 3rd March 2020

We had a wonderful second session of STORYPLAY with Primary 1 where we went to Jamaica in the Magic Ball, Sent a Letter to our loves and learned some unusual new names for the body!

In Ickerickeroo we learned some Scots inspired names of the body  – our Brain Boxer, Knee Knockers, Bread Basket and more!

We met the Shy dragon unicorn, Silly Dog, Gentle Horse, Funny Dragon & Scared Lion!

We met some Pirate captains who go us to run to Port! Starboard! Climb the Rigging and Drink our Grog!

Went to outer space again in the Magic Ball! The children passed out space hats & boots. We climbed up a tunnel in a cave to a dragon’s
lair. Some people didn’t want to so hung back with Ruby. Ella became princess and invited everyone to her pink tower castle for a drink of juice! She asked her pet dragon if it would give us a ride. Lots of the children became the dragon and others lots from the dragons back, including an elephant playing under a waterfall, and another, bad dragon!

“That was wonderful, so insightful. It was lovely to see the different ideas and the engagement as well. I thought you were really good at always using their ideas in class and in the session as well.” Teacher

We had a fantastic Lickety Art Gallery!

Remember, you can see all the drawings in a new P1 album on our Facebook page. Click here to see it!

The magic ball. I have a clown, a rainbow and a cat. I have grass and a happy rabbit. In the magic ball I am going on an adventure to rabbit land.


I am with Finn in the magic ball. We are on the Dragon. Dragon is breathing fire to kill the naughty rats. Dragon eats them. There is a button to turn the magic ball on. There are different schools and people playing. Ther is stinky dragon poo. My favourite thing was everything that we did. My new animal would be a naughty house who would eat people. Eats the whole world!


A balloon. Naughty eagle is trying to pop it. People are watching to see if I will fall. I am not in school. I am flying my balloon. Boy is jumping to try to see me because I am so high. Below I could see the earth. I was flying to the moon. Earth is tiny. The cheeky monkey was my favourite game.


A dragon who is flying and sleeping. He doesn’t fly when he sleeps. I drew the magic ball. We went to see the animals. The fox was a greedy fox who ate food fro the first. From the trees he ate apples. My favourite game was I sent a letter.


Ella and me going to school with love hearts. We are playing with a jigsaw puzzle. We are having a great time. My baby sister is there.


A unicorn with magic powers. Unicorn will turn us into tiny mouse. I did a wonderful piece of art. My favourite was the magic ball journey. I also enjoyed dressing up. I wanted to go to the beach. Maybe next time I will go on an adventure. I’d like to take a day off.

Eva Jane

Me and Lewis on the black side in space. We are peeking in the cave. We saw an alien. It was pink. He was a lovely alien who gave me strawberry milk and strawberry and vanilla ice cream. Delicious. (He hands one out to everyone in the class that the pink alien gave to him.) The secret ingredients are jelly and sloshy cream. Someone tries to kill the dragon. My blaster protects it. I found it on the moon. There is my ball with my friends inside it. We are going to meet dinosaurs in Jurassic park. I’d like to invite my dad to meet my favourite dinosaur. I’d like to invite all of my best friends.


To find out more about Storyplay, click here.

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