The Whiteinch Witches

Porridge & Play Whiteinch Week 3

Wednesday 26th October 2022

Another whirlwind adventure in Whiteinch this week and we got to meet the fabulous Whiteinch Witches!

There was Witchy Aseel,  who had a great cackle and a magic frog, Witchy Witch, who came on a broomstick and liked to eat blood – Aaaargh! Scary pumpkin biscuits!!! Then Witchy Frankey who appeared on a Rainbow magic flying carpetWitchy Eemaan, who came flying in to meet us and Witchy Juliet, who  actually arrived in a flying car that can turn into anything.

So exciting!

Witchy Sienna’s favourite food turned out to be wriggly worms and Witchy Clare came on a headless horse that can fly and lives in a cloud castle.

That was a bit scary!

Witchy Annabelle arrived on a horse and cart and said happily, that she likes to eat green slime from frogs.

I wonder if green slime is tasty?

If Witchy Annabelle likes it, it might be worth a try!

After that, we all felt like a wee adventure somewhere else.

Zofia thought we might try under the sea. Unicorn land was an idea from Juliet and Aseel thought Fairyland might be a good plan. Frankey suggested Hot Wheel City and Hunter liked the idea of Softland. We all wondered where we might end up and when we arrived, it looked a bit misty to me, so I asked Frankey, he said we’d arrived in actual Hot Wheel City and started to lead us towards bats and gorillas – which was quite scary, but then suddenly we were all surrounded by cars so we all got one to drive until  we were stopped by a lollipop lady escorting some penguins across the road. Everybody beeped their horns at the penguins then I think they were frightened, so we stopped and stroked the penguins instead. One very brave and friendly Penguin started to talk to us, but we were not sure what it was saying. Fortunately Zofia translated

“The penguin is flying from the earth to the Moon!”

We were so glad she could speak fluent Penguin and actually, it  turned out that Juliet and Violet also spoke Penguin language. Zofia gathered that he likes to eat eggs and bacon. Juliette had a frying pan & eggs and Aseel had bacon, so we did a nice fry-up for this lovely Penguin and he ate it hungrily, then did a big burp which was very funny! We all liked the penguin very much, but started to notice that he was tired. Kouser suggested we sing Twinkle Twinkle, so we did and he fell asleep by the fire.

We all said goodbye to the penguin and headed off to the beach and there was a castle under the sea. Zofia showed us how to dive down so we could see everything and Eeman suggested we draw the castle. Fortunately it was a magical place which meant we could draw underwater without our paper getting wet, the only problem was, the crayons made us shrink, but luckily Juliette had crayons to make us bigger again.

Zofia was not sure what to do next as everything was so exciting, so she found Penguin again and asked him. Penguin suggested a book. Zofia then read us all an amazing  story about a princess, a dragon and a knight. Just as she finished up, we all heard some music coming from somewhere in the distance and it turned out to be from the disco room in the castle, so we all had a lovely dance and then, just when we thought we’d lost the Magic Ball. Zofia said she had some Magic sand to take us back home. What a brilliant adventure that was!  Also, when we got back, in honour of the lovely Penguin, Zofia led us in a fabulous Magic Penguin Clap! We didn’t count, we just felt the Penguin Magic!

Sarah, Paul & Marie Louise

Phew! We were so glad  to grow big again!

The Licketyspit Art Gallery!

Some of your reflective drawings and what you said about them.

What you said

 “That’s Frankey’s Hot Wheel land and the castle and the witches fingers and that’s the penguin”
“A witch with a witches hat.”
“This is the castle and that’s  a swimming pool and that’s the changing rooms and there’s a flag on top”
“This is Hunter with long legs”
“There’s the Hot Wheel Cars and the penguin.”

About the project

Porridge & Play Whiteinch is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund as part of Big Porridge & Play Glasgow. It first started in 2017. Since 2020 we have also been offering sessions online – find out more here.

More information on Licketyspit here.

Porridge & Play Whiteinch Page

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  • Funky Chicken
  • Grandma Grandma

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