Storyplay Festival 2024!


Find out what we all got up to at the Storyplay Festival 2024 at the Children's Wood! Saturday 13th July Sunshine, Storyplay & a Family of Families! Our second ever Storyplay Festival was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who came. It was a beautiful day and didn’t rain until the festival ended – lucky us! In the morning, the Licketyspit team met at the Children’s Wood and quickly set-up for the festival. It took a lot of effort, but it was so worth it! Not long after we set up, we had the pleasure to welcome families from Bridgeton, Castlemilk, Cranhill, Maryhill & Govan as well as our families who join us for Licketyspit Online! We hosted over 125 people who all have one thing in common - they all love Storyplay! The families arrived and we created an enormous circle and got started! To warm-up, we did the biggest ‘Big As A Bear’ I’ve ever seen! But we weren’t warm enough because then we did a massive Dancing Warm-up! The energy was high and so before we split up, we sang ‘Ickerickeroo’. After some Storyplay as a huge group, we blew up our balloons and flew to our hub dens. We had families from 7 hubs, but for the festival we combined them into 5 – Bridgeton, Cranhill, Maryhill, Online & [...]

Storyplay Festival 2024!2024-07-15T14:25:48+00:00

Picnic & Play with the Castlemilk & Whiteinch Hubs!


Find out what the Castlemilk & Whiteinch Group did during our Picnic & Play session at the Children's Wood! Wednesday 10th July Last Picnic & Play of the season with our Castlemilk & Whiteinch Friends! One last Picnic & Play at the Meadow & Children’s Wood with families from Castlemilk and families from Whiteinch before we all meet again at Licketyspit’s Storyplay Festival on Saturday! Whoohoo! Everyone was up for a good time outdoors!. We had shelter in case it rained, nice food to share and a bunch of friends to play with so the perfect ingredients for a perfect Picnic & Play time. Virginia told us all about Licketyspit’s Storyplay Festival happening this Saturday from 12pm. Many Licketyspit families from all over Glasgow will come along and gather for a full day of fun. Families from Govan, Maryhill, Cranhill, Bridgeton and families who play with Licketyspit online will join Castlemilk and Whiteinch families and at the woods they will have their very own spots or DENS where they’ll be able to share their favourites games and invite guests at the Festival to take a look at images of what they have been up to during their Licketyspit sessions! There will be a Wishing Tree where you can write and hang twice wishes for everyone! There will be a Dressing Up & Photo-Booth Station [...]

Picnic & Play with the Castlemilk & Whiteinch Hubs!2024-07-11T14:54:39+00:00

Picnic & Play with the Online & Govan Hubs!


Find out what the Online & Govan Group did during our Picnic & Play session at the Children's Wood! Monday 8th July Making a fire & cooking on it with Andrea & The Online & Govan friends at Meadow & Children’s Wood! Another Picnic & Play, another set of fabulous friends gathering for a Summer day out with Licketyspit. This year we are delighted to bring all our lovely families to the beautiful Meadow & Children’s Wood where we are hosting the Licketyspit Storyplay Festival in a few days! This Saturday July 13th many Licketyspit families from all across Glasgow will come together for a day of imaginary play, food, fun and community! Licketyspit will welcome them all at the Meadow & Children’s Wood for a Storyplay extravaganza where everyone is host and participant at the same time because all we need to play is each other! And so today our Online & Govan friends came along to Picnic & Play and enjoyed a warm and sunny Summer day with the Licketyspit team! We had a great warm up and a round of ‘My Name Is & I Like’ with Glory & Goodness having us trying our best at cartwheeling! Then ‘Funky Chicken’ was full of very exuberant creatures doing very peculiar things! It was easy to choose the right spot to place the Online [...]

Picnic & Play with the Online & Govan Hubs!2024-07-11T13:24:07+00:00

Picnic & Play with the Bridgeton Hub!


Find out what the Bridgeton Group did during our Picnic & Play session at the Children's Wood! Saturday 6th July A sunny Picnic & Play for our Bridgeton friends at The Meadow & Children’s Wood! Saturday morning shone dry and bright for our Bridgeton families who came to Picnic & Play with Licketyspit and the Meadow & Children’s Woods looked even more beautiful and full of life. Sarah, Andre, Virginia & Taz had everything ready for any weather changes so we could all have shelter and Steven went to Bridgeton to meet all our friends and bring them over to the place where we will also host our Licketyspit’s Storyplay Festival next Saturday 13th of July! We can wait to see the Meadow & Children’s Wood bursting with families, imaginary play, food, fun & laughter! Many friends of Licketyspit from all over Glasgow will gather and hang out in celebration of play & community! But back to the Bridgeton Picnic & Play… Our circle was so big!. We had an energising warm up and then Alison told us about the Children’s Woods and how the local community campaigned to keep it from being turned into houses so people could enjoy a beautiful green space in the city. After that we had a Funky Chicken massive!. The time to explore arrived and so we marched [...]

Picnic & Play with the Bridgeton Hub!2024-07-09T15:23:08+00:00

Picnic & Play with the Cranhill Hub!


Find out what the Cranhill Group did during our Picnic & Play session at the Children's Wood! Thursday 4th July Sunny with showers? Not a problem for Licketyspit and our CRANHILL Families! Sarah, Andre, Virginia and Taz got together to put up some tarpaulins to keep off the rain and a gazebo for our picnic to stay dry because we were determined to have fun at the Meadow & Children’s Woods with the brilliant Cranhill families even if it rained!! Steven went to Cranhill on the CCH Buses to collect everyone to travel to The Children's Wood - the beautiful natural space where our Storyplay Festival is happening this Summer. On Saturday 13th of July Licketyspit’s Storyplay Festival will welcome many families from across Glasgow to meet, play and eat together and to share the fun that imaginary Storyplay brings to us all! Families from Govan, Maryhill, Castlemilk, Whiteinch, Cranhill and even families who play with Licketyspit Online are invited to spend a fantastic day together at these beautiful woods. When our Cranhill friends arrived at the Children’s Woods today the excitement was way bigger than any worry about the rain! ‘We need a fire’ - Joy shouted when she saw our camp, - 'It reminds me of my country in Africa and how we used to gather in tents like this around a [...]

Picnic & Play with the Cranhill Hub!2024-07-09T15:22:12+00:00

Picnic & Play with the Maryhill Hub!


Find out what the Maryhill Group got up to during our Picnic & Play session at the Community Central Halls! Tuesday 2nd July 2024 What can be more Summery than a picnic?… Licketyspits’ Picnic & Play! Even on a rainy day! We met our Maryhill friends at the Community Central Hall this morning since the rain got a wee bit too heavy to play outside but did not stop us gathering and playing together. We had exciting news to share about our upcoming Storyplay Festival happening on Saturday 13th of July at the fantastic Meadow & Children’s Wood: a festival of imaginary play, adventures, friends and food where you are the guest and the host all at once!. We got warmed up and played some favourite Licketyspit games including an ‘up-in-the-clouds and down to the Mermaid Lagoon’ Magic Ball adventure! We then created self-portraits for bunting to decorate the Maryhill Den for the Storyplay Festival. That’s right!! Each hub of Licketyspits’ friends from all around Glasgow are going to make their own DEN at the Festival for all to visit and enjoy different fun offerings!. The Maryhill families decided they wanted to create their very own song to perform at the Storyplay Festival. So we got to it after our lovely picnic and oh it was so much fun! Together we came up with [...]

Picnic & Play with the Maryhill Hub!2024-07-09T15:18:08+00:00

Porridge & Play Week 4 at Bridgeton St Francis in the East!


Find out what the Bridgeton Group did during our Porridge & Play Session at St. Francis in the East! Friday 24th May 2024 A great session to finish another great block at Bridgeton! The families arrived with their nicest clothes on - ready for the celebration. Fortunately, everyone remembered to wear their dancing shoes! We got the celebration started with a dancing warm-up and everybody showed off their best moves. The party started off strong. After some funky dance moves we decided to meet some Funky Animals with a quick game of Funky Chicken! We met Galyna’s Funky Tiger & Miia’s Crazy Cat! We also met Rasha’s Meowing Cat & Mohammed’s Happy Dog! Cami was a Bumbling Bonobo & Ruby was a Slithering Snake! We sang Ickerickeroo which is a big hit for the Bridgeton group - it’s a great way to remember those Scottish words for body parts! My ee-peepers saw that everyone enjoyed singing together. Then we all blew up our balloons and flew high above Glasgow and saw some crazy things! - a big silver snake which was really scary but turns out it was just the River Clyde! Although next to the Clyde we saw a huge dinosaur and a gorilla! No need to worry though, they were just having a relaxing day in the park. We flew right across the [...]

Porridge & Play Week 4 at Bridgeton St Francis in the East!2024-06-28T09:35:16+00:00

Porridge & Play Week 4 at Cranhill Development Trust!


Find out what the Cranhill Group did during our Porridge & Play Session at Cranhill Development Trust! Thursday 23rd May Goodbye for now - not forever! We had such a fabulous time at Licketyspit this week! Our adventures took us deep into the forest, where we found a sunny glade full of marvellous creatures! Pela the Rabbit was hiding under a big old oak tree and Stella, a fluttering butterfly, sat on a beautiful sunflower and seemed to know all the creatures in the forest! We listened as the birds sang a joyful song when suddenly we heard a loud howling sound. At first, we didn’t know where the sound was coming from. Then, a very fancy Wolf appeared with a very fancy watch! It was Genesis the Wolf who lived in a cave at the edge of the forest and it turned out her wolfy friend had given her the gold watch. Wolfy Genesis told us she liked to dance in the afternoon, so we had a good old boogie with her and then helped her clean her cave in the evening. She had a beautiful cave lined with red velvet and gold brocade and lots of soft cushions. It was so exciting to actually see inside a real wolfy cave! As we made our way along the path at the edge of the [...]

Porridge & Play Week 4 at Cranhill Development Trust!2024-05-30T16:20:03+00:00

Porridge & Play Week 4 at the Oakgrove Primary!


Find out what the Maryhill Group got up to during our Porridge & Play Session at Oakgrove Primary! Tuesday 21st May 2024 Celebrate good times! We had so much fun at Oakgrove Primary - as per usual! Time flies when you’re having fun and these weeks have gone so quickly! We started the day by saying hello to all the friendly faces. Then we made ourselves as big as a tree! A fun little warm-up to get the body and imagination ready to play! Next, we played My Name is Joe. It’s about a guy named Joe who works in a button factory but his boss asks way too much of him! Oh Joe - I hope one day you can tell your boss that you are too busy!! After Joe’s crazy day at work, we met some amazing forest creatures! Alex was a Little Hamster who eats carrots. We met Khadeejah who was a Little Chipmunk who eats spaghetti! I wonder how you make spaghetti in a forest? Anyway, after that we met Shirley the Rabbit and Kenan the Dog who eats rabbits!! Oh no! Don’t worry folks, Shirley was kept safe. We also met Amira who was a Beautiful Butterfly. After becoming forest creatures we thought that it’d be a perfect time to play ‘What’s the Time Mr. Wolf?’. First up was Wolfy [...]

Porridge & Play Week 4 at the Oakgrove Primary!2024-05-30T15:43:43+00:00

Porridge & Play Week 3 at Bridgeton St Francis in the East!


Find out what the Bridgeton Group did during our Porridge & Play Session at St. Francis in the East! Friday 17th May 2024 Another great day in Bridgeton! Another great day in Bridgeton! We arrived with our dancing shoes on and got the party started! There were some amazing moves on the dance floor - great energy all round. Once we were ready and warmed up, we played the Funky Chicken and met some quirky animals! Lin became a Scary Butterfly, Yaseen was a Scary T-Rex & Rasha turned into a Roaring Dinosaur! Then, we had some angry animals… Ahyan became an Angry Bird, Sola showed us an Angry Crocodile, Mohammad became an Angry Cat and Arafa was an Angry Tiger! Then, Miia became a Crazy Bunny & Lukas showed us the Flying Gorilla! After that, Lexi & Leeanne became a Lazy Sloth whilst Zainah became a Happy Cat. After that, we sang some lovely songs together. We love to sing in Bridgeton!! First we sang Grandma, Grandma (an absolute classic that we all love!). Then, we sang a new song for this group - Ickerickeroo! This song goes through the body parts but it uses Scottish words! You’ve got brain boxes, lug listeners, ee-peepers and loads more! That’s what they told me when I went to school After some lovely songs we decided to [...]

Porridge & Play Week 3 at Bridgeton St Francis in the East!2024-06-28T09:09:18+00:00

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