A Very Hungry Giant in Witchland!
Porridge & Play Whiteinch Week 2
Wednesday 1st November 2023
We had an incredible time with our Whiteinch Library families at our Spookiest Porridge & Play Whiteinch session yet! And it was great to be joined by some new faces too!
To set the tone for a spooky Storyplay adventure Steven read the Wee Witches poem by our very own Virginia! Sitting in our circle we all paused to listen…
“What do you think a witch is like?
Does a witch ride a broomstick or ride on a bike?
Does a witch wear gold?
Or red, or black?….
How would like a witch to be?
Is it like her or is it like me.”
With that final question we found ourselves thinking… well… the witches could be…like all of us? In fact, we could all be whatever witches we want to be… Let’s…
Super great in fact because at Licketyspit we know that dressing up and getting into character is something we can ALL do, all we need is a bag of old clothes and our imaginations to transform into whatever our Witchy hearts and minds desire!!
So, with us all dressed up it was time to meet some new Witchy friends! Woosh round the room into the magic circle we met Witch Bronwyn who lives in the clouds, Witch Amjad who lives on the moon. Then, Zofia introduced us to Witch Brokilda who lived in an OLD shoe and then we met Andzelika who was Witch Fernanda who lived in a NEW shoe with her trusty pet Brokilda! And then there was Witch Kevin who turned people into pumpkins and rats and mice!
Keen to avoid spending the rest of the night as pumpkins, rats and mice we conjured up a marvellous Mucky Brew that included snakes, pumpkins, spiders, cakes, cupcakes. With the ingredients all added into the cauldron and the magic words ‘Bubble bubble toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble’ chanted we watched in amazement as the cauldron transformed into THE MAGIC BALL!
For lots of us it was the first time we had seen the magic ball so our friends showed us how to blow it up, unzip the zip and step inside. Wwwoooooooosh!
When we unzipped the Magic Ball we found ourselves in Witch Land where Kevin saw a very hungry giant! We only knew this because Zofia could speak Giant and could translate for us. We wanted to help the giant by making him some delicious Giant food. Amjad told us he would eat spiders and chicken and cow’s blood.
The Giant was delighted and felt much better so we went off exploring until we found ourselves at a huge castle! Which we soon realised was a Witches castle! We didn’t know if the witch who lived there would be a nice witch or not…. so when she came along, we hid by pretending to be chickens! Then we decided to be brave and speak to the Witch! We told her we were trying to get home, and do you know what? The Witch was very nice to us and she gave us each a Magic Flying potion! We gave it a cautious sip and suddenly we were all flying! We flew and flew until Aaliyah spotted the sea and knew we had arrived at a beach. The tide was in so we went for a lovely swim………Until we spotted a shark – eeek! – but we pretended to be seaweed and the shark swam right past us! Then to our amazement the water disappeared to reveal a Portal to take us right back to the Magic Ball! So we hopped back inside & it flew us all home to Glasgow!
What an adventure that was! Hope to see you all again soon for our next Porridge and Play at Whiteinch Library!
Andre, Steven & Emma!

The Licketyspit Art Gallery!
Some of your reflective drawings and what you said about them.
What you said
“The hungry giant the beach and the portal that takes you to Glasgow”
“That’s me skateboarding – I drew Bronwen on the skateboard – she’s very good at skateboarding – these are flowers here. I’m skating on the grass”
“I made a cake – with fish, rainbows, strawberries a stinky sock and marshmallows. Favourite part of the session today was the Funky Chicken”
“I drew my dad and a house and we went inside the house and played games and watched tv the house has a face and there is a beautiful sunny day.”
“That’s the witch that lives on the moon and that’s the spider and the chicken dish we made – that’s the potion we made”
“that’s the house that we live in. That’s the witch. There’s the witches, the trees and the witches house.”
“That’s the egg that’s the spider and that’s a portal to america”
About the project
Porridge & Play Whiteinch is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund as part of Big Porridge & Play Glasgow. It first started in 2017. Since 2020 we have also been offering sessions online – find out more here.
More information on Licketyspit here.