Porridge & Play Week 4 at Bridgeton St Francis in the East!


Find out what the Bridgeton Group did during our Porridge & Play Session at St. Francis in the East! Friday 24th May 2024 A great session to finish another great block at Bridgeton! The families arrived with their nicest clothes on - ready for the celebration. Fortunately, everyone remembered to wear their dancing shoes! We got the celebration started with a dancing warm-up and everybody showed off their best moves. The party started off strong. After some funky dance moves we decided to meet some Funky Animals with a quick game of Funky Chicken! We met Galyna’s Funky Tiger & Miia’s Crazy Cat! We also met Rasha’s Meowing Cat & Mohammed’s Happy Dog! Cami was a Bumbling Bonobo & Ruby was a Slithering Snake! We sang Ickerickeroo which is a big hit for the Bridgeton group - it’s a great way to remember those Scottish words for body parts! My ee-peepers saw that everyone enjoyed singing together. Then we all blew up our balloons and flew high above Glasgow and saw some crazy things! - a big silver snake which was really scary but turns out it was just the River Clyde! Although next to the Clyde we saw a huge dinosaur and a gorilla! No need to worry though, they were just having a relaxing day in the park. We flew right across the [...]

Porridge & Play Week 4 at Bridgeton St Francis in the East!2024-06-28T09:35:16+00:00

Porridge & Play Week 3 at Bridgeton St Francis in the East!


Find out what the Bridgeton Group did during our Porridge & Play Session at St. Francis in the East! Friday 17th May 2024 Another great day in Bridgeton! Another great day in Bridgeton! We arrived with our dancing shoes on and got the party started! There were some amazing moves on the dance floor - great energy all round. Once we were ready and warmed up, we played the Funky Chicken and met some quirky animals! Lin became a Scary Butterfly, Yaseen was a Scary T-Rex & Rasha turned into a Roaring Dinosaur! Then, we had some angry animals… Ahyan became an Angry Bird, Sola showed us an Angry Crocodile, Mohammad became an Angry Cat and Arafa was an Angry Tiger! Then, Miia became a Crazy Bunny & Lukas showed us the Flying Gorilla! After that, Lexi & Leeanne became a Lazy Sloth whilst Zainah became a Happy Cat. After that, we sang some lovely songs together. We love to sing in Bridgeton!! First we sang Grandma, Grandma (an absolute classic that we all love!). Then, we sang a new song for this group - Ickerickeroo! This song goes through the body parts but it uses Scottish words! You’ve got brain boxes, lug listeners, ee-peepers and loads more! That’s what they told me when I went to school After some lovely songs we decided to [...]

Porridge & Play Week 3 at Bridgeton St Francis in the East!2024-06-28T09:09:18+00:00

Porridge & Play Week 2 at Bridgeton St Francis in the East!


Find out what the Bridgeton Group did during our Porridge & Play Session at St. Francis in the East! Friday 10th May 2024 From Bridgeton to London and back!! What a lovely day! Thanks again to everyone who came - it was so much fun! First we wrote lots of letters to our Loves - which we dropped! And of course, someone must have picked them up and put them in their pocket! We had to guess who had the letter every time! Zainah & Arafa sent letters to their mums and Malak sent one to her Dad. Mohammed sent a letter to his mum which said ‘paper!’ It must’ve been a reminder for him?!! Yaseen wrote a Love Letter to herself and Ahyan sent one to a bird! Finally, Leeane GOT a letter from her Guardian Angel. The letter said that her Guardian Angel is sending love to everyone! How nice! Thank you to Leeanne’s Guardian Angel!! After all the Love Letters and coming and going and guessing we met some funky characters! We met Delicious who loves to wear green, who lives in a tree with her son who also loves wearing green!! I can’t blame them, green is such a lovely colour. We also met Princess Zainah who lives in a castle. Her speciality is rainbow make-up - so cool!! While we [...]

Porridge & Play Week 2 at Bridgeton St Francis in the East!2024-06-28T08:51:00+00:00

Porridge & Play Week 1 at Bridgeton St Francis in the East!


Find out what the Bridgeton Group did during our Porridge & Play Session at St. Francis in the East! Friday 3rd May 2024 We are back in Bridgeton - playing with new and old friends! We had such a lovely time in Bridgeton where we got to see some old friends and play with some new ones! First, we warmed up with Big as a Bear - the energy was amazing! Then we met some funky chickens. Anastasia introduced us to the Big Bear, Leeane showed us the Slithering Snake, William found a Scary Owl! Mohammed helped the Shy Monkey and Arafa met a Scary Donkey! Lin showed us the Buzzing Bee, Sola gave us a Neighing Horse, Mohammed met a Happy Dog and Hanan ran into a Scary Tiger! & many more! Next, we flew up high into the sky in our flying balloons! Our balloons were loads of different colours - blue, green, pink, and rainbow - just to name a few! We flew high above Glasgow and saw some amazing things. We saw a boat without anyone on it!! Well, actually there was a tiny pirate on board sailing by himself. Then we saw a submarine with a big Bride on it! (What a special day for her) Then, we got a bit tired so we flew down for some ice [...]

Porridge & Play Week 1 at Bridgeton St Francis in the East!2024-05-08T13:10:43+00:00

From Bridgeton to Troon – dancing, sea, sand & a big bye to Ruby!


Salsa, Sand, Sea & Send offs TROON We had a WONDERFUL trip to TROON with the Bridgeton Families! Some of us – led by Taz & Andre - had to dance on the sea wall to keep the Naughty Seagulls away from our Picnic – which was especially delicious because Tarika had made us DEELICIOUS chickpea stew & rice that we all LOVED & enjoyed along with our crusty French baguettes with,cheese,tomatoes, apples, bananas, tangerines and strawberries! We played Big as a Bear and Hello! My Name is Joe, Funky Chicken and CoCo. We danced and then we ran across the huge sandy beach and paddled in the waves! Most of us went to the playpark too before we came back for The Magic Clap and Muffins. The sun had come out! And we couldn’t choose what we’d enjoyed most about the day because it was ALL JUST LOVELY! It was also a bit sad and wonderful – sad because it was Ruby’s last day with the Licketyspit families as CFN Producer. Lots of people had send her Good Luck messages, and some of the Bridgeton Mums/Grans gave her a beautiful Hamper of Pamper! (box of relaxing treats!) and some gorgeous flowers – wonderful because it has been SO GREAT having Ruby at Licketyspit and we all LOVE her! AND we know she will never [...]

From Bridgeton to Troon – dancing, sea, sand & a big bye to Ruby!2023-08-01T15:22:58+00:00

Cakes & Balloons Galore at the Bridgeton Party


Find out what the Bridgeton group got up to in their latest Storyplay adventure!  Celebration! Friday 2nd June Well would you believe it, this block of Porridge & Play has come to an end. It just feels like yesterday we were rocking up to St Francis in the East and introducing our new Actor-Pedagogue Steven to our friends in Bridgeton. He's definitely part of the family now, in fact last Friday's session just felt like a bunch of pals getting together for a family party. We were joined by... The lazy frog The delicious banana Moira's Singing Cow Holly's Funky Butterfly Zainah's loud horse Abaker's first Monkey! and the Slithering and Fast Snake! We danced around as everyone arrived, dressed up as explorers and took off in the Magic Ball! We arrived in a very windy place. Zainah had some kites which we were really enjoying flying when suddenly there was a tornado!! Whoosh we tried to avoid it but off we went! We landed beside a very important chef in need of a very important recipe. Luckily we were up to the task, helping the chef make the most delicious of cakes using Strawberry icing sugar, Strawberry, Milk, Chocolate, Rainbow sprinkles, Tuna, Blueberries, Banana, Eggs & Flour! Yum! That got our appetite going so we were thrilled to get back to Bridgeton in time for the celebration feast! Baneen made delicious cheesy bolognaise [...]

Cakes & Balloons Galore at the Bridgeton Party2023-06-26T15:53:48+00:00

A flight to the Seaside and a very cool Beach Party


Find out what the Bridgeton group got up to in their latest Storyplay adventure!  Week 4 Friday 26th May The weather has been so much warmer this week and the Bridgeton pals have been noticing it! It felt like Friday afternoon was the perfect time to gather together with our friends and go for a lovely refreshing flight on our Flying Balloons to look for a nice beach! Ready and…BLOW! The sea was green and blue and the water was at a perfect temperature! We relaxed in the calm sea and discussed the different creatures we might find, like sharks or even orca whales.  And then a notion…what about an underwater exploration? Three, two, one, TAKE A BIG BREATH! We swam like seahorses and ran around like crabs. We found keys that opened all opened a big treasure chest! ICE CREAM! ICCE CREAM! Come and get yours! This Ice Cream maker was something else. You could ask for any flavour and she would just make it for you there and then! We had fantastic flavours like sausage, mustard, sprinkles, strawberry, vanilla, popcorn soda and raspberry. Hey you lot seem like a really cool bunch! Wanna come to our Dressing Up Beach Party? Guess what we said? Yes please! The Bridgeton pals are experts at dressing up and oh they can dance! We had the grooviest moves [...]

A flight to the Seaside and a very cool Beach Party2023-05-30T11:12:52+00:00

An Afternoon at the Bridgeton Forest


Find out what the Bridgeton group got up to in their latest Storyplay adventure!  Week 3 Friday 19th May We had a lovely Friday afternoon with our Bridgeton pals at Porridge & Play! Everyone was very smiley and looking forward to getting their weekend started and there was a very jolly atmosphere at the church! Our circle is really quite big as there are so many of us up for a good time. We love starting with a good boogie The grown ups are always ready for any fantastic shapes the children may throw at them! Alan and Shae are fast with their footwork but Moira, Niamat, Colleen or Arafa have no problem keeping up with that! Make Yourself as Big As A Bear!! The littlest ones like Maab and Emilia know every word to our favourite warm up and Mohammed really loves swooping and gliding like the Bird. This Friday we had some very funky moves playing Funky Chicken… Alan gave us a Wriggly snake  Holly a Naughty elephant   Zainah a Big pig  Sulman a Fast pig Rayna a Fire breathing dragon And Mariam a Barking dog Cami told us about her friend Fred who has Jelly on His Head And then we made ourselves into wonderful trees that turn into funny monsters in the Bridgeton Forest… Did you know that there are Grannies who [...]

An Afternoon at the Bridgeton Forest2023-05-25T12:35:43+00:00

The Happy Bridgeton Crew make a very Mucky Brew!


Find out what the Bridgeton group got up to in their latest Storyplay adventure!  Week 2 Friday 12th May Let me tell you about our happy Bridgeton bunch! This group of pals really really like to dance They groove and turn they hop and jump And together they make cool dance steps up! Funky Chicken is their favourite game They create creatures and they’re never the same… A Tiger, a Shepard dog A Fast fish, a Naughty penguin  A Small chicken that says quack  A Fast cheetah, a Crazy bunny and a Fast cat! This week they made a really Mucky Brew with a tin of beans, custard and cheeky Monkey, fire, chocolate cake and candy! Mucky Me Mucky You  Mucky Mucky Mucky Brew. They love to dress up!  This week they were Pirates And had Pirate Training  and got bossed about  By Smelly Potato. Pirate Sir! Pirate Holly! Pirate Smelly Nelly! Scary Pirate! Pirate Jacka! Pirate Crusty! And Captain Alan! What a grand afternoon! This bunch of Bridgeton pals truly are a HAPPY CREW! By Taz, Cami, Steven and the Bridgeton Porridge pals! The Licketyspit Art Gallery! In Partnership With Visit the Porridge [...]

The Happy Bridgeton Crew make a very Mucky Brew!2023-05-22T09:50:33+00:00

Can you spot the Armadillo?


Find out what the Bridgeton group got up to in their latest Storyplay adventure!  Week 1 of Porridge & Play Bridgeton 2023 Friday 5th May It was lovely to be back in Bridgeton again for Porridge & Play 2023! We had a great group of 29 including lots of our old friends and a couple of new families - great to meet you! Some visiting Grannies also joined the group for a dance and dress up! You can see one of them in the picture to the right. Can you remember their song? We flew above Glasgow in our Flying Balloons and William saw the Armadillo which he drew in his Reflective Drawing. The second time we went up in the sky we talked about where we might go - Ireland, Poland, Iraq, Sudan, China, Ukraine…  We ended up high above a rainforest full of fairies and snappy crocodiles! Spotting a cool blue lake, we flew down for a refreshing dip with the colourful fish. Being in the water was exciting and relaxing and we worked up an apetite swimming around.  So it was time to fly back to Bridgeton for our picnic of melon and strawberries, soup and bread and all sorts of fruits! Thanks for joining us, see you next time! Thanks for joining us, see you next time! Sarah, Taz, Steven, Ruby [...]

Can you spot the Armadillo?2023-05-09T14:08:00+00:00

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