Canal View

Canal View is a STORYPLAY school.

As some of you already know, Licketyspit Theatre Company has taken up part-time residence at Canal View Primary. We are a children’s theatre company who create shows and opportunities for games, rhymes, songs and imaginary play with children, for children.

Storyplay Schools is a unique project designed to support the development of children’s literacy, language and confidence through the introduction of shared stories and inclusive play across the whole school community – children, families teachers and PSA’s. Storyplay is delivered by specialist children’s theatre company, Licketyspit, together with the teachers. Storyplay is part of Canal View’s programme to raise children’s attainment.

Since 2017, every child in the school has been learning some of the Lickety Playcard repertoire of games, rhymes, songs, stories, dressing-up and imaginary play.

The P6s and P7s have learned how to lead and support Lickety-Play in the Playground as ‘Playground Play Champions’. You might see them with their red and blue lanyards out in the playground or hear about them playing games at break and lunchtime with children in other classes around the school. They shared some of the games and characters they’ve created out of them at a Celebration Assembly in November 2018.

This term, the P6s also created stories out of the Playcard games and then developed performances of these stories, which they shared with the rest of the school at a Celebration Assembly in March 2019.

We have also been doing LicketyLeap, Porridge & Play and Bookplay
with Canal View Nursery! This means every child in the nursery
has learned some of the Lickety Playcard games, rhymes and songs
and can continue to play these with nursery staff and their families,
many of whom have come to Porridge & Play and Bookplay sessions.

We have also worked with Molly Whuppie – the play and
storybook adapted by Licketyspit from the traditional Scottish folktale.

“Molly Whuppie dance, Molly Whuppie sing! Molly Whuppie ran
through the woods and she went to see the King!”

Go to Come & Play to find the Story of Margaret and Margaret from LicketyLeap and check out the blog entries below to see more of what we’ve been up to!

We hope the children have continued to play at home – and to teach the games and stories to you too! (We are never too old to play!)

There is lots of evidence that our approach builds children’s confidence, strengthens friendships, develops language and literacy and encourages an enjoyment of school. Storyplay is for everyone in the school community to be part of – we hope to see you at a session soon and do get in touch if you have any questions or ideas for your Storyplay School!

What have we been up to in Canal View Storyplay?

P6 Play Champions Assembly

March 27th, 2019|

Term 2 Celebration Assembly - P6 Story Performances 22nd March The intense creative work of the P6A and P6B Playground Play Champions over the last few weeks paid off on Friday. when they shared [...]

Active Grannies – Playground Play

March 25th, 2019|

'In the Way of the Word' - Active Grannies! 31st Jan We had a great time returning to our Granny characters this week with P6. We created these characters in the first term and [...]

Bookplay at Canal View Nursery

March 25th, 2019|

We had a great time catching up with Canal View Nursery families and playing the Licketyspit games again at Bookplay this term. We also explored the wonderful story of "Angelo" and his family of [...]

We would also like to invite you to join the Licketyspit Children and Families Network.

This is a big community of families across Scotland with children under-twelve, who all know Licketyspit. It’s a place to share experiences, ideas and resources – online and by email and post. We are also working with museums and libraries to create more new free opportunities for families.

You can join the network by clicking on Register Now  on the top right-hand corner of this page, or by emailing with your name, the names & ages of your children, and your postcode.

Please follow us on Facebook & Twitter, where we’ll share news and photos of our sessions (with your permission), and tell us what you think! We love to get feedback and images of children’s drawings inspired by Lickety Play – and we will always write back!