Happy International Women’s Day!

Lickety Mums Blog by Taz

Wednesday 8th March 2023

Fridays are LicketyMums time!

We gather to hang out, play, reconnect with our body and mind and to share our news of the week.

LicketyMums sessions were first created because lots of Licketyspit Mums asked us for them.

Many mums support their children to enjoy Storyplay and generally put their children’s needs first. Mums are very eloquent about the positive impact of Storyplay on their children’s confidence, social skills, language development and happiness. They know that these are positive things we all need! 

Licketypit families know they get all that from playing and socialising together like we do in our Storyplay and Porridge & Play sessions.

So it made perfect sense to have LicketyMums sessions that are also about sisterhood, feeling connected to each other, supporting each other and sharing knowledge, experience and ideas!

We always start with a dance! 

We all have busy lives and dancing is a phenomenal way to release stress and helps increasing serotonin, or as I call it ‘the happiness hormone’ and it’s great fun too.

A good boogie even in your kitchen can do wonders for your mental and physical health!

‘It says LicketyMums disco ONLY for mums. We could have Massage rooms! Then even if you are a bit depressed you can see some light coming through that tunnel!’ 

Lickety Mum

‘After the exercise your back your, neck your, body relaxed, you feel peace’. 

Lickety Mum

Checking in

During our Check In many times there’s a lot of ‘busy and stressful’ answers but we also share glowing celebrations of every day life achievements and cheeriness about what the future may bring.

‘This is my face at different moments in the week: exhausted and here I’m happy and here tired’ 

Lickety Mum

‘It is always a time of refreshing meeting up with ladies during Licktey session. It is good to know that we are not the only one out there stressing’.

Lickety Mum

‘It’s like a break, a wee laugh and a wee support from other women it makes me to realise it’s not only me’. 

Lickety Mum

During Check In we also share tips and advice, from self-care techniques to where to go in Glasgow to learn how to ride a bike!

As part of reconnecting with our bodies and being present in the moment we Warm Up in various different ways. We sometimes do our Storyplay warm up rhymes ‘Big As A Bear’ or ‘Thin As A Pin’. Other times we practice Body Part Isolations which allow us to dedicate time to different parts of our body and acknowledge any sensations we may have.

We also practice Mindfulness and Relaxation using different techniques.

‘After the aerobics we have peace like the flowing river.’ 

Lickety Mum

‘I enjoyed the session specially the tips, the warming exercise is fantastic.’

Lickety Mum

‘After the stress from college the tea made me kind of relaxed.’ 

Lickety Mum

‘I enjoyed every part of the activity and the strategy curing headache and the doing make up and make everyone laugh. I love making everyone laugh.’

Lickety Mum

‘I draw a beach. A lovely session is like a break for me. Really enjoyed it. Lovely.’ 

Lickety Mum

‘Our time as us, just us!’

‘I love to play with children, to play and dance. It makes me happy. I love to cooking.’ 

Lickety Mum

‘I love my ability to follow through.’

Lickety Mum

‘I love my kids, I love meeting new people, I love myself!’

Lickety Mum

‘These are the beautiful mums and their beautiful hearts’. 

Lickety Mum

And of course…WE PLAY!

We play classic Licketyspit Storyplay games like ‘Let’s Bake a Cake’, ‘Dressing Up’ and ‘Magic Ball’ and do Reflective Drawings, which we share in the LicketyMums Art Gallery.

‘This is my cake, I used mostly blue because blue represents peace. This is when I was making the cake…I believe everyone needs peace and love in their life, including me. A lot into my mind with the relaxation so I thought to draw a blue cake, because we all need peace.’ 

Lickety Mum

‘This is a house and a cup tea because I loooooooooooove tea, oh, I love it.’

Lickety Mum

‘My favourite was Balloons cause I imagine that we go with the balloon down in the city and all the vehicles have to stop and it’s all chaos!’

Lickety Mum

‘I feel like partying with my fancy dress! If you see me wearing a dress like this you know that I’m HAPPY’.

Lickety Mum

‘I drew a big cake which was a bit colourful and bit blank like my week!’

Lickety Mum

‘In the mucky brew the nutella is running sticky down your body.’ 

Lickety Mum

‘Its the forest like quiet place in the forest putting my mask, trying to relax and hearing the sound of the birds. That is how i feel right now. I smelt some like the forest, like the forest have got a smell.’ 

Lickety Mum

LicketyMums sessions are really rather special and feel very natural, generous and kind where lovely organic chats happen between our participants even though they are all meeting virtually!

Happy International Women’s Day to all sisters out there!

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