Mermaid Ice Cream and a Pool Party!

Storyplay City is funded by Glasgow Communities Fund 20-23

Welcome to the Porridge & Play Online blog where we share our stories and adventures!

Tuesday 14th February

Kick-abouts, meeting Mr Hand, Mermaid ice cream making techniques & a Pool Party?

It must be a Magic Ball Adventure!

Saturday morning, still cold outside

but look over there

there’s the sun!

Get together online with your pals and find that groove is the heart.

People are magic, unique yet the same

We love to dress up with jelly on our head!

Magic Ball Magic Ball

tell us where we’re gonna go

Football Land with Lady Dragon

kick-abouts and Ball Pool fun

Swimming down deeper and deeper

’til we meet up with Mr Hand!

‘I am lost! can you help me?’

Ope talked about a map

Sam read it for everybody

‘We must all swim-  and quite fast!’

And together we dive deeper til we hit a lovely cave

where a Mermaid makes seaweed ice cream

and she teaches the best way

to mash, crush, flavour and shake!

We made fabulous ice creams,

we chilled in pink lemonade,

we had a glorious Pool Party

’til it was time to go away.

‘Everybody! To my house!’

Victoria said to everyone

we popped in and got some cookies

We love Storyplay fun!

By Taz, Sarah, Andre & The Saturday Pals

The Lickety Art Gallery!

We opened our Licketyspit Art Gallery for a stunning collection of drawings shared by phenomenal artists with a lot to say.

Some of them even wrote a story inspired by their own drawings!