A whole WEEK of BPPG adventures! Phew!
Welcome to the Big Porridge & Play Online blog, where we share the stories of all the adventures
we’ve had during our virtual play sessions on Zoom! See below for details of how to join.
This week, we started two new sessions after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays, alongside our usual Saturday morning adventures. These smaller sessions are for invited families, whereas our big Saturday adventures are for anyone to join! See below for details of our next open sessions. Or, read on as Iona shares the fun-filled highlights of what we got upto this week!
2 September 2020
Our first Wednesday session was fantastic! Creepy crabs, orange potato houses and seriously cool grannies! A small session full of energy, ideas and warmth. In BALLOONS, we flew up high and saw all kinds of things from the sky…
🐍 Emmanuel spotted a big blue river that looked like a slippery snake, and it turned out to be the River Clyde!
🏴☠️ Boatemma saw a pirate ship on the river
✈️ When we flew above the whole world, we saw planes that were flying to London and the Eiffel Tower!
🦁 In the rainforest, Djames spotted a monkey doing a poo – it was being chased by a lion who was being chased by a snake – what a chase! Luckily, the monkey got away!
We also played MONSTER’S FOOTSTEPS, and everyone dressed up up fantastically as trees in the forest, who turned into monsters when granny wasn’t looking! Rawr!
3 September 2020
Wowee! What an exciting session we had on Thursday. We introduced our new actor-pedagogues, Andre and Sanjay, who had a brilliant time meeting the families at their first ever session. We started off with a lovely warm up and stretch, and then dived into the games…
🐔 What hilarious animals we had in FUNKY CHICKEN! Meerab’s Angry Elephant, Aminata’s Good Cat, Virginia’s Wobbly Jellyfish, Desiree and Victor’s Funny Gorilla, Ala and Ruta’s Funky Crocodile, and of course, Anaya and Ayesha’s Dying Fly!
🌎 🎈 Then, in BALLOONS, we blew them up until they lifted us off our feet, up up up and all over the world! Taiwo and Ope spotted a pirate ship overflowing with treasure. Anaya and Ayesha spotted a unicorn sitting on top of a great big mountain. Fatou and Aminata looked down and saw a huge jungle, with a great big lion and giraffes, and Aminata then saw a great big cat called Charlie, and he was dancing!
5 September 2020
Our Saturday session was a very exciting way to end the week, full of ideas from all 67 participants!
🥚🍯🍊Starting with MUCKY BREW, we covered ourselves in sticky eggs, flour, honey, orange juice and mud! We rubbed it all in until we were so mucky we could barely move, and then washed it all off – what a relief!
🏴☠️⚓There was some hilarious dressing up… Iona appeared dressed up as Captain Funny-Face, wearing a face mask as a beard, and a skirt on her head! Everyone then went off and came back dressed as hilarious PIRATES! We had a fantastic game with various bossy and hilarious captains. We had Captain Taiwo and Ope, who had made hats by wrapping ties round their heads! Captains Precious, and Donald and Sylvia, who told us all to scrub the deck and eat our grog – and captain Miracle who ordered us to walk the plank – twice!
🐟💰🔮When we fell in the sea we swam around and Timi and Tofi spotted some bright blue fish which led to a treasure chest in which we found… the MAGIC BALL! Lawand told us it was multicoloured, and so we blew it up and got inside and had a really fantastic adventure. In the Magic Ball, you really can end up anywhere! Who knows where might we go next week?!
Iona 😊🌟

Would you like to join in?
⭐ Our Saturday sessions are open to all children and families. To make sure that we can all get the most out of them, though, we run one ‘open session’ each month where new families are invited to join.
⭐ The next one is on Saturday 17 October, so please get in touch this week if you’d like to come! We’ll ask you to join the video a little bit earlier, so we can say 👋🏾, a big hello, let you know how it all works, and you can ask any questions you may have. Please email cfn@licketyspit.com or text/call 07413 800 342 and we’ll give you all the details!
Make a note on your calendar for the next Open Sessions! ⭐ 17 October ⭐ 31 October (a Halloween special!) ⭐ 21 November
Exploring with Jack is BACK!
Grab your Magic Map, get your Explorer’s Journal ready – Jack is back to take you on another adventure! If you watch the video, you’ll find out what he got up to on… the island of ARRAN!
🏴🛥️ Arran is a very beautiful island off the coast fo Scotland, so you have to take a big ferry to get there, which is great fun!🌲🕷️🐑 While he was there, Jack saw some HUGE magical stones, found out about a very special spider, and saw waterfalls, sheep, forests…
…but you’ll find out all this for yourself! Are you ready? 3, 2, 1…

Have you met Andre and Sanjay yet?
If you’ve been joining our Big Porridge and Play Online sessions, you might have met our two new actor-pedagogues, Andre and Sanjay. Like everyone at Licketyspit, they both love to PLAY, so they’ve helped us to come up with some fantastic ideas so far in our Zoom sessions! 🎉 We can’t wait for you to meet them face to face when we can meet up again, and get to know them – in the meantime, you can read more about them in their introduction blogs.