Another (very big) Big Porridge & Play adventure!
Welcome to the Big Porridge & Play blog, where we share the stories of the adventures we’ve had during our virtual play sessions on Zoom. If you’d like to join our online weekend sessions (every Saturday, from 10.30am), all you need to do is email us at or text us on 07413 800 342. We’ll let you know all the details, and which dates we’re welcoming new families at (we do this one Saturday per month – see below for dates). Our sessions are open to all children and families, so please do get in touch!
Saturday 22 August
Another busy and fun-packed session!
Iona shares her thoughts after last week’s Big Porridge and Play online session, which our busiest ever with an incredible 76 participants! Take a look opposite at some of the wonderful drawings we were sent this week and last.
What a great session! It was very busy on Saturday, with 27 families and 76 participants – including some new faces from the Govanhill Children’s Festival! Some of my favourite highlights were…
🐘 🐠 🐇 🐔
Meeting all sorts of fantastic animals when we played FUNKY CHICKEN: Imre and Bence’s Fortunate Fish, Ellie’s Sneaky Bunny, a Crying Elephant who needed a hug and Tobi’s Cute Kitten who softly purred!
Then, in JELLY ON HIS HEAD, we met the most hilarious characters! John Mackay with doughnuts on his eyes, Grace with fried egg on her face and Claire with bananas in her hair were joined by new characters – Ayo went to bed with an egg on her head, Joy with a jumper on her head, Jessica with breadsticks in her nose… Everyone came up with some really funny ideas! How on earth can they sleep at night?!
🔮 🚀 ❄️ 👵
In the MAGIC BALL we went EVERYWHERE and saw some amazing things – far too many to mention! Antarctica was freezing, so Aliya handed out jumpers and gloves. Ronald and Sylvia spotted some angry green birds, which we all hid from by pretending to be rocks. Suddenly we were on the moon, flying inside a rocket ship! The captain spoke to Adesayo in Space Language and we flew to the very edge of space. We landed under the sea, and saw a huge whale guarding treasure… until we suddenly realised we were actually under the Eiffel Tower, in Paris! We went to the top in an elevator and met a Parisienne Granny who’d lived there for 800 years!
Can’t wait to see you all next week!
Iona 😊🌟

Would you like to join in?
Our Saturday sessions are open to all children and families. To make sure that we can all get the most out of them, though, we’re now running one ‘open session’ each month where new families are invited to join. We’ll ask you to join the video a little bit earlier, so we can say hello and let you know how it all works.
Our next open sessions will take place on
⭐ 5 September
⭐ 17 October
⭐ 31 October (a Halloween special!)
⭐ 21 November
If you’d like to join, please email us at or text us on 07413 800 342 and we’ll give you all the details!
Making with Iona – Plastic Jellyfish!
We have some brilliant news… Making with Iona is back! Iona’s been very busy thinking of all the new ways we could transform old bits and bobs from around our houses and turn them into cool and crazy new creations. This week, she shares an amazing way to make plastic jellyfish out of old plastic bags and bottles! 🛍️ 🧴
Did you make her Pet Fish? If you did, why not make a jellyfish and introduce them… will they be best of friends and do the Jellyfish Dance together? Or maybe they’ll be sworn enemies, and have a dramatic battle in your aquarium! There’s only one way to find out…