Big Porridge and Play Saturday Sessions are back!

Welcome to the Big Porridge & Play blog, where we share the stories of the adventures we’ve had during our virtual play sessions on Zoom. If you’d like to join our online weekend sessions (every Saturday, from 10.30am), all you need to do is email us at or text us on 07413 800 342. We’ll let you know all the details, and which dates we’re welcoming new families at (we do this one Saturday per month – see below for dates). Our sessions are open to all children and families, so please do get in touch!

Saturday 8 August

It’s so good to be back!

Iona shares her thoughts after last week’s Big Porridge and Play online session, for which 22 FAMILIES joined us! The fantastic pictures opposite show just a glimpse at the sort of things we did and saw…

How fantastic it was to be back with our Saturday families for Big Porridge and Play Glasgow! It was very exciting to see everyone and hear what they had all been up to over the past few weeks – and what a great first session back it was! Full of energy and hilarity and excitement!

We kicked things off with 👵  GRANDMA GRANDMA, with very enthusiastic actions and great big wriggles! By the time we’d finished, everyone had arrived – all 22 families, ready to play!

We then made ourselves as big as a bear in our warm up, with fantastic actions from everyone, followed by a lovely stretch and deep breaths – waking up our whole bodies and shaking any tiredness away. 🐔 FUNKY CHICKEN was next, then we each found a balloon on the floor and blew them up for a game of… 🎈BALLOONS! 

🎅 We flew up and up, high into the clear blue sky above Glasgow, spotting people on swings and even some elves in Christmas factories!

🌍  On our second flight, we flew right up above planet Earth, until it just looked like a great big green and blue bouncy ball!

🌈  Precious and Donald spotted a rainbow up above us with a pot of gold, so we reached out and all took a piece!

🌕  We then flew over Mars and the moon, spotting craters and aliens until finally, landing on the moon we met the beautiful Neptune, goddess of the sea! She was very eccentric and kind and told us all that we must all DRESS UP as trees to disguise ourselves from the martians!

👵  She then introduced us to Granny Martian and we had a fantastic game of SPACE MONSTERS FOOTSTEPS! We met grannies who lived underground and ate bacon and sausages and grannies who lives in a green and white tree house and liked to drink milk!

Then, we realised that we better get back to Glasgow – but how?! Luckily, Adesayo came to the rescue, presenting her golden magic ball! Hooray! So we blew that up and got inside and said the magic words… ‘magic ball, magic ball, take us where we want to go!’ And Whoooooosh! Off we went, back to our houses!

What a fantasticosical adventure! We can’t wait to see you all next week!

Iona 🎈

Would you like to join in?

Well, the news of how much fun we have together must have been spreading – last week’s Saturday open session was our busiest ever! To make sure that we can all get the most out of them, we’re offering one open session each month where new families are invited to join. We’ll ask you to join the video a little bit earlier, so we can say hello and let you know how it all works.

Our next open sessions will take place on: Saturday 22 August, 5 September, 17 October, 31 October (a Halloween special!) and 21 November.

🙂  If you’d like to join, please email us at or text us on 07413 800 342  and we’ll give you all the details!


Introducing the Free Books Campaign!

The Free Books Campaign is a fantastic new initiative providing books to anyone who can’t afford to buy one, or who has accessibility issues preventing them from buying them. You can either choose from a community-chosen reading list – featuring authors of colour exclusively and including some brilliant books for children – or request another book, provided it’s also been written by an author of colour.

For more information or to claim a free book, email or get in touch with them on Instagram (freebookscampaign) or Twitter (@accessfreebooks).