Tree monsters and Grannies!!
Porridge & Play Maryhill
Find out what the Maryhill Group got up to during week 3 at Woodside Library!
Tuesday 17th October
This week we met some amazing Funky Chicken pals of all shapes and sizes! There was Mohammed’s Happy Cat, Daniel’s Silly Giraffe, Brodie’s Angry Dog, a scary Seagull that Maha knew, Lacy and Payton’s Bouncy and Happy Rabbits and a very Silly Lion from Meeshiv. After meeting all these wild creatures, we found some colourful balloons and decided to go flying across Glasgow and beyond! Everly spied a huge volcano which was dormant but then, all of a sudden, it erupted and rivers of lava began to flow toward us which made us all feel very hot! Then a rather contemporary looking dragon flew out of the top of the volcano and its scales were the most spectacular orange colour with blue spots . We watched it soar high in the sky and then it slowly disappeared into the fiery sky. Then, as if by magic, we found ourselves in Egypt eating Chicken pie! It was so delicious! However, just before we could ask for a second helping, the sand started to swirl and the wind picked up and we were all caught in the middle of a sandstorm. We were very brave though, and managed to protect our eyes whilst still hanging on to our balloons! After splish- splash sliding down a waterfall and passing through a wonderful rainbow with Gabby’s apple crumble for pudding at the end of it, our tummies were full, so we flew back home blowing kisses over Gaza, waving at Disneyland, then finally hovered over Blackpool on our way back to Glasgow. The adventure was not quite over though, as the second we arrived back in Scotland, we discovered a forest that was full of all kinds of fantastic grannies and also trees that sometimes looked like monsters! Amongst the array of fabulous Grannies, we were lucky enough to meet Granny Maha, who lived in a house in the forest with pink flowers and beautiful trees, then there was Granny Brodie, who preferred to live in a cave with a big white square, where it was cosy and perfect for making sushi and let’s not forget the artistic grannies, Everly, who drew purple ladders and liked her house smelly and Gaby, who liked arts, crafts and puppet-making. It was a real pleasure to meet all those grannies and the tree monsters, although the tree monsters were just a little bit scary, so we headed home and got back just as the sun was setting. Payton noticed how beautiful it was and we all enjoyed the beauty of it too!
Can’t wait to see you all next week,
Sarah, Virginia, Steven & Emma
Emma, Taz, Steven & Sarah are looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 24th October for our next Porridge & Play session from 4-6.30pm at Woodside Library!

The Licketyspit Art Gallery!
What you said:
“I’ve drawn my mum and me and my three sisters. This side is is the sun and this is my name this bit says ‘dear family of love I love everything that youve done for me love from Amina.’ My favourite thing today was dancing.”
“The monster and the granny – it’s a happy monster. My favourtie part today was dressing up as monsters.”
“This is the flats I saw from the flying balloon”
“I drew an apple crumble then i drew a butterfly and the balloon and the flowers and then i drew me. I am eating my apple crumble. This is the waterfall. That’s the monster tree there and up there is the sun.
My favourite thing was flying up in the balloon”
“That’s the volcano – i remember us blowing kisses to a place.. gaza.. when we’re up in the sky there were houses somewhere. That’s the balloon we saw pyramids. I saw egypt and there i saw the sun that’s my water ad that’s my river. There’s apple crumble. And beautiful butterflies. This is all the music we were singing.”
“This is me. That’s a monster.(what kind?) Here is a tree and here are balloons – this is me in the house. My faVOURITE THING TODAY WAS THE DANCING.”
“It was meant to be dragon and then I remembered i dont remember what a dragon looks ilke so it’s a contemporary dragon. and this is a mountain, thats the nile and that’s flying fish in a boat. My favourite thing today was playing with the children.”
“This is a rainbow. This is a sunset in the sky at the same time.and this is people flying in their balloons in a beautiful sunset. My favourite part today was the flying balloons.”
“The tree. The monster tree. This is granny – this is the background. The monster is here and the granny is here. and this is granny”
“I drew my best friend and me in the balloon and my favourite thing today was the dressing up.”
“This is a princess, another princess, a sun and an aeroplane. The princess uses the aereoplane. My favourite thing today was the dressing up.”
“This is the haunted house this is the vampie and this is the witch and this is the ghost and this is the skeleton and these are big pumpkins and these are the trees and this one says dont scream and shout and this one says find the odd one out. This is a party. That’s nig trees and this is the moon.My favourite thing today was the monster.”
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