Saturday Sessions Starting!
Big Porridge & Play Open Sessions start this week!
27th May 2020
We may all be at home, but in our imaginations we can go anywhere, be anyone, do anything. All we need to play is each other!
Families across Scotland are invited to join Porridge & Play Online – imaginary play sessions, games, rhymes, songs and story making!
Every Saturday @ 10am on Zoom!
Join the Children & Families Network here or on Facebook and contact us to take part. Invite your friends, or family – wherever they are!
You may be eligible to receive a FREE set of Lickety Playcards, a fantastic repertoire of 16 colourfully illustrated cards so you can keep on playing these games at home.
Big Porridge & Play has been created with and for children and supports families to tap into their imaginations for hours of joy, excitement, creative learning and connection.
Visit Come & Play and our Facebook page to find out more. There are videos, audio-shows and lots of ideas for things to do, play and create at home in between sessions!

What we said
Being with children gives adults a reason to play, but we all need what children need, especially to help us cope with the current crisis – play helps us relax and access our limitless imaginations.
The Coronavirus lockdown is a confusing and anxious time for many children as they find themselves separated from their daily routine and friendships. Playing with adults who take play as seriously as they do empowers children, and with parental engagement shown to be the biggest single factor in a child’s capacity to learn, playing together in Big Porridge & Play Online is a wonderful way to support children to flourish during lockdown.
It’s very important for us that children continue to have agency and autonomy in these sessions, to invent and delight in their own and others’ rich imaginations. We can make each other laugh, and we can sing!
We’re delighted that this wonderful family play project can still happen online and will be working with third sector colleagues to ensure digital inequality isn’t a barrier to families in the greatest need participating.
What our Families said
Their imagination has come on so much and they feel comfortable playing without any toys now.
We were looking forward to it all morning!
It’s so nice to see everyone after so many days!
I absolutely loved it! I felt energised after the session!
We enjoyed seeing others and being creative with everyone and we would love it to happen again.
It’s fun, relaxing, good for bonding with your child & reducing stress